In addition to the specific issues mentioned below, we have fixed some minor stability issues.
- Fixed an error which could occur if logging out of OnTime in Verse.
- Fixed an error which would occur if a user tried to open a poll blocker for another person.
- Fixed an issue for Online Meetings where the invitees in some cases would get an incorrect link.
- Fixed an issue that could occur when removing an online meeting from a meeting.
- Fixed an issue where invitees for Webex meetings would not receive the meeting link in the description field.
- Fixed an issue where not all users were not shown in the view after clearing a selection.
- Fixed an issue where not all users were not shown in the view after clearing a selection.
- Fixed an issue where the order total was missing on confirmation mails for new orders.
- Fixed and issue which would cause an explosion if pasting 2 non existing Domino formatted addresses into Pollarity.
- Online links in the description field are now working correctly in Edit mode.
- The actions "Show Selected" and "Clear Selection" now clears any entered search text.
- Fixed an issue where Zoom meeting attendees gets the hosts start URL if meeting has been updated.
- Fixed an issue where Zoom meetings would lose settings when a meeting had been updated.
- Fixed an issue where the create Poll action was available even if Pollarity add-on was not licensed.
- Fixed an issue where it was not obvious that all external participants had to have information about both name and email to be able to save it.
- Improved handling of Selected Users when selecting the actions for Pollarity, Out of Office and Search
- It is now possible to show all "attached" user images when clicking the avatar in the Business Card.
- The "Done" action in upper right corner is now calculated for every keystroke.
- To prevent overload of the mobile UI groups with more than 500 people have been disabled.
- Fixed a text positioning issue for Pollarity Desktop External voting which could happen if a custom logo had been applied.
- Fixed an issue where internal Pollarity users would be directed to the external voting page instead of the OnTime desktop for voting.